walodesign Columns - Overview

UI Design Stories (up to 2008) | UI Design Blinks (2010-2013)

By Gerd Waloszek

On my "column" pages, I present articles covering a number of user interface (UI) design topics. This page provides an overview of the articles that I published on this Website.


UI Design Stories (up to 2008)

These articles were originally published on an SAP-internal User Experience Website. The article series started at the end of 2004 - I closed that section at the end of 2008.

On this site, I republish my articles (a few have also been published on the SAP Design Guild Website) hoping that some visitors will find them useful and interesting. Of course, I removed all SAP specifics. The articles are assigned to three different categories:

  1. DAU Stories: Here I tell stories that deal with "stupid" users, that is, DAUs (DAU = dumbest assumable users) - usually, it's me.
  2. UI Design Thoughts: Here, I think about UI design in general.
  3. UI Design Issues: In these articles, I cover various UI design issues.

Below, I provide a complete list of the articles in the different groups. The articles are ordered by date, starting with the oldest articles (that is, they are NOT ordered like blogs...). For an overview of the respective sections and short descriptions of the articles, click the "overview" links.

DAU Stories (up to 2008)

To overview of DAU Stories

UI Design Thoughts (up to 2008)

To overview of Design Thoughts

UI Design Issues (up to 2008)

To overview of Design Issues


UI Design Blinks (2010-2013)

On the SAP Design Guild Website (the link leads to a respective article on the SAP User Experience Community), I started a column with short, blog-like articles called UI Design Blinks that were in the spirit of the articles presented above. The column was active from 2010 until my retirement in November 2013.

Here, I offer most of the articles (I left out a few articles that were specific to SAP, the SAP Design Guild, and the Interaction Design Foundation) with slight adaptations, because the SAP Design Guild Website archive has been closed in the meantime.

Maybe I will continue this column here one day (after my interest in design has returned...)

2013 Blog Roll

To overview of 2013 Blog Roll

2012 Blog Roll

To overview of 2012 Blog Roll

2011 Blog Roll

To overview of 2011 Blog Roll

2010 Blog Roll

To overview of 2010 Blog Roll


Last Revision: 05/29/2016

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Gerd Waloszek
gerd (at) waloszek (dot) de

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